06 Jun Advantages of online therapy
Having your online therapy session is now quite usual for many reasons. However, we still have some doubts when we need to make a decision between in-person or online therapy, because we still do not know whether the effects would be the same or not, or if we would feel comfortable.
Here you have some advantages of online therapy:
The efficiency is just the same:
Many people think the effect is not the same. However, that is not true. In fact, in my practice, I have experience that, someone who came regularly in-person and, for whatever reason, they had to do it online for once, then they have continued online or they do it whenever they need (travels, health issues, distance, holiday, family conciliation, etc.).
The quality of the therapeutic bond is not affected by this situation. The confidence developed in the therapeutic bond happens in both methods. Actually, for people with social issues or some kind of phobia, online therapy is easier.
You can have access from everywhere (as log as you have a good internet connection).
There is no geographical barrier for your psychological well-being. You can choose the kind of therapy you are interested in, even if it is not available where you live. Thanks to online possibilities, psychological therapy is accessible to people living in the countryside or even to people living in other countries, who want to have their therapy in their own language. Also a very important option for people with mobility difficulties.
Greater time flexibility.
Daily routine is conditioning our relationship with time and how we organize it. Probably, it would be much easier for you to organize your time if you therapy is online, that way you do not need to let your other priorities aside.
Save money and time on trips/commuting.
It is quite usual that people need to make a little trip or to spend time on commuting in order to go to therapy. Some people enjoy this time because, that way, they go out, take a walk or read in the train. However, other people need to save time and money. It depends on your needs.
More anonymity.
Making the decision of starting therapy can be difficult sometimes. In some cases people can feel ashamed, they do not want to be seen entering a psychology center or they are afraid of meeting someone they know, or maybe they, themselves are known people and they want to preserve their privacy.
In those cases, online option would add calm and security,
A comfortable option.
Often, the place where we feel better is our own home or the hotel room, if we are traveling. Finding ourselves in a cozy or well-known environment makes it easy. It provides the possibility of emotional openness and trusting the person on the other side of the screen. Online therapy can be a very good start when we feel vulnerable and we need psychological help.
Uninterrupted therapeutic process.
Being on holiday, traveling for work or being ill are no longer reasons that will prevent us from continuing our therapeutic process. Perseverance is very important so that therapy could have its effect. Having the option of connecting online helps us with it.