Integrative psychology


Dibugrama allow us to discover our inner mechanisms. It allow us to know and then, educates our mind to create happiness.

Transpersonal Therapy

Transpersonal put the focus on conscience. The objective is to find who I am, to find self-realization and contentment.


Meditation helps you to recognize where is your mind, it gives you the perspective of “the one who observes”, it helps you to take distance, understand, go deep in the Being and to reach the authenticity of who you are..

Maybe you are living
some of these situations:

My current habits are limiting or preventing me from developing facets of my life that are important for me. It seems like a self-boycott.

I life painful experiences that are repeated or happen cyclical.

I am experiencing an existential crisis (or vital, at work, in relationships…) I am having a hard time recognizing myself.

I am going through a grief, a loss of a loved one, of a relationship, of a job, of a status, of a hope or of another facet of my life.

Anxiety/guilt/sadness/lonelyness… does not allow me to enjoy life.

Apparently, I do not have any reason to complain about. However, I feel sorrow, depression, lack of motivation, lack of energy…


Integrative Psychology helps you to:

  • Identify the belief or mental program that started your pain, in order to set it free or deprogram it.
This is the base to start living from lightness and opening to the opportunities that vital experience is offering.
  • Recognize the difference between unconscious commands coming from the mind and the authenticity coming from the Being.
  • Drama and pain appear when we can not make that distinction and, therefore, we consent to the different scenarios where the mind put us
You gain security and presence as you align yourself with your true essence.
  • Have deep understandings that help you to set you free from guilt, doubt and other burdens to which, in a past moment, you gave permission
  • Take into account the origin of the mental limiting tendencies that you are experiencing now and which are the past emotional scenarios that seem to repeat.
  • Distinguish between the experience and what the mind imagine about the experience.

How are the psychotherapy sessions?

In the first Integrative Psychology session, that takes one hour and a half, I will accompany you to identify which is your emotional reaction point, which belief or emotional program got installed in yourself. When we are able to see this and we understand it, the emotional intensity drops and, thanks to that, we can start to “disbelieve” it, we can start to deprogram that thing that was controlling us or that was preventing us from watch the whole map.

Next sessions will last one hour and I use different therapeutic techniques depending on your needs during the therapeutic process: Transpersonal Psychology, Family Constellations, Diksha, Reiki, Metamorphic Technique, Meditation and its variations such as contemplation, self-inquiry, visualizations, etc.

How do I work?

I understand Integrative Psychology as a way of accompany people to identify unconscious beliefs that are controlling their vital experience. As long as you give less permission to the unconscious part to guide your life, you can include everything that was excluded and you can live from the Being, with no burdens and experiencing the joy of life again.

I accompany people to recognize the Conscience to which we belong and that frequently we forget. Since we acknowledge that, we will access to which will be more favorable to our present moment and our realization.

I make easy to distinguish between what comes from the Being and what comes from the mind. This will open your view and will help you to locate each process or emotion in its place. Feeling relief and harmony (It is a kind of “Emotional Marie Kondo Method”, if I am allowed to make the comparison).

I can work with you in person (in my private consultation in Zaragoza) or on-line (to have a good internet connection is needed).